True Rippers

True Rippers vs. Marcos tips & odds

BLAST The Draft Season 1 Finals
11 februari 202411 feb. 2024
2 - 3
True Rippers
Kenny 'kennyS' Schrub
Shuvajyoti 'Mcg!LLzZz' Chakborty
Indien Mcg!LLzZz
Ritesh 'DEFAULTER' Sarda
Hamid 'Gh0sTTTT' Chaudhary
Indien Gh0sTTTT
Kiran 'Rossi' Rudresh
Indien Rossi
Win streak
Richard 'shox' Papillon
Garvit 'EmbeR' Nehra
Indien EmbeR
Bhavesh 'Bhavi' Sejwani
Indien Bhavi
Elvis 'ELV1S' Eric
Indien ELV1S
Rahul 'R2B2' Banerjee
Indien R2B2
Win streak
True Rippers K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Kenny 'kennyS' Schrub 103 - 76 +27 97.5 70.5% 1.36
Indien Prateek 'DiceDealer' Saini 41 - 39 +2 77.7 72.1% 1.06
Indien Hamid 'Gh0sTTTT' Chaudhary 27 - 29 -2 58.9 68.2% 0.93
Indien Ritesh 'DEFAULTER' Sarda 59 - 84 -25 71.5 68.6% 0.85
Indien Kiran 'Rossi' Rudresh 62 - 83 -21 66.4 73.3% 0.83
Indien Shuvajyoti 'Mcg!LLzZz' Chakborty 58 - 80 -22 57.4 64.8% 0.81
Marcos K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Richard 'shox' Papillon 97 - 70 +27 97.2 77.1% 1.42
Indien Rahul 'R2B2' Banerjee 86 - 72 +14 84.0 74.3% 1.24
Indien Garvit 'EmbeR' Nehra 79 - 73 +6 78.8 78.1% 1.16
Indien Elvis 'ELV1S' Eric 62 - 65 -3 66.6 75.2% 1.03
Indien Bhavesh 'Bhavi' Sejwani 58 - 70 -12 62.7 76.2% 0.93
True Rippers K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Kenny 'kennyS' Schrub 24 - 18 +6 94.6 70.8% 1.35
Indien Prateek 'DiceDealer' Saini 15 - 15 +0 74.8 70.8% 1.02
Indien Kiran 'Rossi' Rudresh 17 - 19 -2 65.2 70.8% 0.89
Indien Ritesh 'DEFAULTER' Sarda 13 - 19 -6 60.6 70.8% 0.87
Indien Shuvajyoti 'Mcg!LLzZz' Chakborty 15 - 20 -5 72.8 50.0% 0.82
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5 - 9
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11 - 11
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11 - 13
Marcos K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Indien Garvit 'EmbeR' Nehra 25 - 17 +8 102.1 70.8% 1.41
Indien Rahul 'R2B2' Banerjee 17 - 16 +1 67.7 66.7% 1.10
Richard 'shox' Papillon 17 - 18 -1 80.5 62.5% 1.05
Indien Elvis 'ELV1S' Eric 16 - 18 -2 65.1 75.0% 0.96
Indien Bhavesh 'Bhavi' Sejwani 10 - 15 -5 61.6 70.8% 0.87
True Rippers K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Kenny 'kennyS' Schrub 21 - 16 +5 89.7 55.0% 1.28
Indien Ritesh 'DEFAULTER' Sarda 10 - 17 -7 84.3 50.0% 0.76
Indien Shuvajyoti 'Mcg!LLzZz' Chakborty 10 - 17 -7 61.3 55.0% 0.71
Indien Hamid 'Gh0sTTTT' Chaudhary 8 - 12 -4 42.6 55.0% 0.68
Indien Kiran 'Rossi' Rudresh 9 - 17 -8 63.6 65.0% 0.66
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7 - 13
Marcos K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Indien Elvis 'ELV1S' Eric 18 - 9 +9 91.2 80.0% 1.58
Richard 'shox' Papillon 18 - 11 +7 100.7 75.0% 1.55
Indien Rahul 'R2B2' Banerjee 19 - 12 +7 89.2 80.0% 1.35
Indien Garvit 'EmbeR' Nehra 11 - 12 -1 63.9 85.0% 1.05
Indien Bhavesh 'Bhavi' Sejwani 13 - 14 -1 68.7 80.0% 1.05
True Rippers K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Kenny 'kennyS' Schrub 28 - 17 +11 124.0 70.8% 1.77
Indien Hamid 'Gh0sTTTT' Chaudhary 19 - 17 +2 72.4 79.2% 1.16
Indien Shuvajyoti 'Mcg!LLzZz' Chakborty 16 - 15 +1 61.8 83.3% 1.02
Indien Ritesh 'DEFAULTER' Sarda 12 - 18 -6 66.4 83.3% 0.99
Indien Kiran 'Rossi' Rudresh 15 - 17 -2 65.6 75.0% 0.94
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12 - 11
Marcos K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Indien Rahul 'R2B2' Banerjee 17 - 19 -2 85.3 79.2% 1.26
Richard 'shox' Papillon 21 - 19 +2 96.5 75.0% 1.25
Indien Elvis 'ELV1S' Eric 15 - 15 +0 64.6 75.0% 0.93
Indien Bhavesh 'Bhavi' Sejwani 16 - 20 -4 74.2 75.0% 0.93
Indien Garvit 'EmbeR' Nehra 15 - 17 -2 55.9 70.8% 0.81
True Rippers K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Kenny 'kennyS' Schrub 24 - 10 +14 106.9 95.2% 1.77
Indien Prateek 'DiceDealer' Saini 20 - 11 +9 100.8 95.2% 1.62
Indien Ritesh 'DEFAULTER' Sarda 17 - 16 +1 98.1 85.7% 1.25
Indien Kiran 'Rossi' Rudresh 15 - 17 -2 79.2 100.0% 1.16
Indien Shuvajyoti 'Mcg!LLzZz' Chakborty 10 - 14 -4 42.8 76.2% 0.96
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13 - 8
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6 - 6
9 - 7
12 - 8
Marcos K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Richard 'shox' Papillon 17 - 16 +1 83.9 85.7% 1.23
Indien Garvit 'EmbeR' Nehra 13 - 19 -6 78.0 81.0% 1.04
Indien Rahul 'R2B2' Banerjee 18 - 17 +1 83.2 61.9% 1.01
Indien Elvis 'ELV1S' Eric 8 - 17 -9 58.3 66.7% 0.75
Indien Bhavesh 'Bhavi' Sejwani 10 - 17 -7 57.5 71.4% 0.71
True Rippers K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Indien Prateek 'DiceDealer' Saini 6 - 13 -7 51.9 43.8% 0.54
Kenny 'kennyS' Schrub 6 - 15 -9 59.6 56.2% 0.54
Indien Kiran 'Rossi' Rudresh 6 - 13 -7 55.9 50.0% 0.52
Indien Shuvajyoti 'Mcg!LLzZz' Chakborty 7 - 14 -7 41.8 56.2% 0.48
Indien Ritesh 'DEFAULTER' Sarda 7 - 14 -7 44.6 43.8% 0.43
1 - 5
2 - 5
3 - 9
0 - 1
0 - 2
0 - 3
0 - 4
0 - 5
2 - 6
2 - 7
2 - 8
2 - 9
3 - 10
3 - 11
3 - 12
3 - 13
Marcos K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Richard 'shox' Papillon 24 - 6 +18 136.6 93.8% 2.46
Indien Rahul 'R2B2' Banerjee 15 - 8 +7 100.9 87.5% 1.73
Indien Garvit 'EmbeR' Nehra 15 - 8 +7 98.0 87.5% 1.70
Indien Bhavesh 'Bhavi' Sejwani 9 - 4 +5 46.4 87.5% 1.23
Indien Elvis 'ELV1S' Eric 5 - 6 -1 52.2 81.2% 1.08

CS-matchen mellan True Rippers och Marcos är en del av BLAST The Draft Season 1 Finals och spelades 11 februari 2024 kl 07:00

True Rippers var rankade 235 i världen när de ställdes mot Marcos som var rankade 211 i världen.

Följande kartor spelades: Mirage, Inferno, Overpass, Vertigo och Ancient

True Rippers lineup
kennyS, Mcg!LLzZz, DEFAULTER, Gh0sTTTT och Rossi
Marcos lineup
shox, EmbeR, Bhavi, ELV1S och R2B2
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